13 oct. 2005

How to make iTunes forget an MP3 comes from a podcast

When podcasts arrived on the iTMS, I subscribed to a couple that published songs as is, without speech or anything. With iTunes 4.9, I only had to “Convert to MP3” in order to get the songs into the regular library. Since iTunes 5 (I suppose — maybe 6) it’s not working anymore: whatever you do, it remembers it was a podcast, and only displays it in the library’s “Podcasts” category — and in none of my automatic playlists.

Here’s the solution found on macosxhints: load fixid3tag.c, launch Terminal, type gcc fixid3tag.c -o fixid3tag, then for each mp3 (which you can get by drag-and-dropping from iTunes to the Finder) ./fixid3tag chemin/fichier.mp3 and, voilà, regular mp3s to be added back to the library.

You’re free to contribute a way to get fixid3tag to accept drag-and-drops, or an AppleScript wrapper to do the same.

P.S. Oh, wait, it’s pretty simple, so I can do it myself. Open Script Editor, type:

on open target files
  repeat with onefile in target files
    do shell script “/chemin complet/fixid3tag ” & quoted form of POSIX path of onefile
  end repeat
end open

Save as an “Application bundle” (don’t know what it means exactly, but that’s what I read) and you get an application that’ll accept dropped MP3 files.

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Yarrow, 7 years ago:

Dans iTunes 5 et 6, les morceaux MP3 qui arrivent en podcast sont directement dans ma Bibliothèque, et dans les listes automatiques... Ils sont toujours notés comme podcasts aussi, mais passent dans les playlists de l'iPod sans problème... Je comprends pas que ce soit différent chez d'autres.

garoo, 7 years ago:

Je ne sais pas pourquoi ils ne passent dans les playlists chez moi, mais ça veut au minimum dire que tu as le choix entre iTunes qui efface tous les podcasts au bout d'un certain temps et tu n'as aucun moyen de les garder, ou désactiver l'effacement automatique et être obligé de le gérer toi-même.

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