5 oct. 2007


Daring Fireball:

There are all sorts of other devices that are, at heart, technically, computers, but which aren’t sold or promoted or marketed as such. Like say, TiVos. And iPods.

What’s different and weird and, I think, unique about the iPhone is that for a few weeks before the release of the 1.1.1 update, we got a taste of what the iPhone could be like as an open computing platform.

And that’s why the whole “uproar” over 1.1.1 will have next to zero impact on the real-world markets (or on Apple’s reputation), because it only really affects a few thousand American early adopters who were geeky enough to hack their brand new iPhone. And, by definition of being geeks, they don’t have the clout to counterbalance Apple and Steve’s charisma.

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