20 oct. 2007


Leopard Guided Tour. Simple, and very well done, obviously (except for the sound being slightly out of sync on my download). You won’t learn anything if you’ve played with the beta, or even just religiously followed all the reports and presentations (as you are expected to), but it’s informative and should be included in the DVD install if it isn’t. Actually, I even did learn something: Mail has “data detectors.” How Newtonian of it. (Don’t know if it hadn’t been announced or I just missed / forgot it.)

The most interesting aspect of all those guided tours Apple puts out, of course, is the clearly deliberate, consistent casting choice. I wonder how much effort it took the marketing department to convince Steve Jobs they should hire Justin Long rather than Richard Gere for the “I’m a Mac” commercials — no, he doesn’t see himself as a snotty young hipster, but as a grey-haired, calm and simple guy. Isn’t that healthy and balanced now?


Anyway, I hope they’ve hidden a Time Machine screensaver from the beta builds. (And they probably haven’t, because it would be confusing, from a UI point of view, to have the Time Machine backdrop play as a screensaver. Damn.)

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