13 nov. 2007

Android demo video

The most interesting part of this video is that Sergey Brin himself came out to present the not-gPhone, Steve-style — only without the talent. But, yeah, he’s got the dollars, that fucker.

Anyway… apart from Street View, which is cool, there’s nothing really impressive, even though the whole thing is a pretty good surprise: they went from rumor to vaporware to something that looks decent and usable in a few days, and that was all very well played — lowering expectations by announcing mere concepts before they started showing off actual functional stuff.

Those will definitely not be iPhone killers, but they might very well wipe out all the other competitors. And they also have a shot at the iPhone’s international market, too, if rumors about the French prices and limitations are to be believed (and Orange is clueless enough that they might come true). There’s no doubt that Android phones will be cheaper, and if they’re coupled with affordable, reliable subscriptions anything’s possible.

Now that they’ve presented 3G phones, though, even though they’re not available to the public yet, I’m pretty sure a 3G iPhone is only a couple of months away.

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