16 avr. 2008

SocialThing beta

Just got an invite for SocialThing (which is to FriendFeed what H2O is to water), and I liked that, as I was opening the email and thinking “Uh, whatever,” it greeted me with: “Hey there, it’s the moment you’ve been waiting for (ok maybe not, but we’d sure hope so!).

There isn’t much I liked after that, though (beyond the fact that it’s prettier than FriendFeed, which isn’t difficult):

  • I’m not allowed to have accents in my name (and I don’t mean the account login, but my personal name that’s been given to me and I can’t change unless I go to court or something).

  • The Facebook and Flickr applications open in minimal popups, so that you end up being asked your password without having an opportunity to check the URL.

  • The Pownce, Twitter and LiveJournal configurations just plain ask me for my login and password on the SocialThing page, as if.

  • None of the social functionality is baked in yet, so for now it’s really just displaying what your Facebook friends are doing on Facebook and your Flickr friends are posting on Flickr and so on.

  • I have to register on a third-party website to give feedback on their beta, which is so not going to happen.


Oh, and I have two invites, so try and deserve them if you want.

Vous voulez savoir quand je poste du contenu sur mon blog ? Il suffit de vous inscrire gratuitement à un agrégateur RSS (Feedly, NewsBlur, Inoreader, …) et d'ajouter à vos flux (ou pour vous abonner à tous les sujets). On n'a pas besoin de newsletters, pas besoin de Twitter, le RSS existe toujours.

L-J, il y a 6 ans :

Je veux bien jeter un coup d'œil. J'ai des amis tellement passionants.

, il y a 6 ans :

Merci !

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