30 déc. 2008

Dropbox & Leap sitting in a tree

Whenever I try a new or updated GTD/storage app (such as Evernote or Yojimbo), I always think longigly of how well OS X’s Finder could do everything I need if it only had a few additional functionalities (such as tagging, or easier, less modal search — I hate how searching in the Finder transforms the current window into a Spotlight window, instead of just performing the search where you are). The thing is, I always forget about non-free accessories such as Leap, which is just what I need: a Yojimbo-like interface to the Finder.

And the idea of coupling it with Dropbox is great: you get Leap’s browsing, searching and tagging interface; direct access to all your contents with any OS X application; transparent synchronization across as many computers as you need (including PCs); and a nice web interface with an optimized iPhone version I didn’t know existed.

The only question is how secure it really is, but that’s just the same as Evernote (or Yojimbo with MobileMe synchronization, for that matter): you can just keep your sensitive information out of the Dropbox folder, or encrypt it.

Dropbox provides 2GB of storage for free, and my current Yojimbo library is 300MB, so I’m gonna give this a test drive right away.

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