21 avr. 2009

Are App Store Customers Good Customers?

I’m sorry, but the moral of the story isn’t that App Store customers are morons. When people have spent money to download your app and it doesn’t work, no matter whether it’s Google’s fault or Apple’s or yours, the correct answer isn’t to mark the issue as “solved” on Get Satisfaction while the update awaits App Store approval. The correct answer is to eat crow.

Apparently they didn’t understand that “solved” was a relative term. Yes, sure, it’s not solved for you right now, but my resolution was pretty clear—it’s solved in the version Apple is looking at. JUST HOLD TIGHT. I thought this was enough. But no.

Well, duh.

Marking a bug as “solved” when the resolution will be available in an upcoming release works in Bugzilla; it doesn’t in Get Satisfaction, which is designed to be geared toward the user’s perspective rather than the developer’s.

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