19 fév. 2010

“Microsoft reveals browser ballot screen, rollout begins next week”

Then there’s also the minor detail that the window still sports Internet Explorer branding. There’s the extremely recognizable icon on the taskbar and in the upper left corner of the ballot window. Is that enough of a hint to keep users clicking back to IE8?

Remember how clueless users are? They’re totally going to choose the one with Google’s logo, since the whole point is that they want to use the google. (And I’m pretty sure they’ve heard once or twice that “Internet Explorer is bad bad bad.”)

Apple made a very poor strategic decision, giving Microsoft a visual — I’m guessing the graphics must be supplied by the vendors, necessarily — without an Apple logo. PC users have gotten used to the apple, they’ve seen it on their iPods and iPhones.

P.S. Gotta like how the intro screen helpfully reminds you that “your browser” was “Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer.”

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