2 mar. 2010

“HTC feeling Apple’s fury over smartphone patents”

We think competition is healthy, but competitors should create their own original technology, not steal ours.

Of course, most of those are bullshit patents. Uh, I mean, software patents.

Gotta wonder what’s the ultimate motivation for this. I guess it still smarts Apple, and Jobs personally, that Microsoft was able to copy all it could from MacOS and, now that Apple has pretty much reinvented the smartphone and does own patents, it’s tempting to use them.

But the timing is weird, right after Nokia slapped Apple with the same kind of suit, and just about the same rhetoric. Is Apple bullying forward, going after the smallest possible actor of the field, the one who won’t have patents of its own to fight back with? Or could they think it will make them look more serious in their negotiations (or trials) with Nokia?

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