23 mar. 2018


Analysis of the Uber failure that led to the death of the pedestrian in Tempe. Makes a strong case that Uber’s LIDAR should’ve spotted the pedestrian with plenty of time to avoid. []

It certainly looks bad for Uber

**Major Update**: Release of the NTSB full report [includes several damning new findings](/new-ntsb-report-out-damning-information-ubers-fatal-robocar-crash) **Update**: [Analysis of why most of what went wrong is both terrible but also expected](/almost-every-thing-went-wrong-uber-fatality-both-terrible-and-expected). The Tempe police released the poor quality video from the Uber. What looks like a dash-cam video along with a video of the safety driver. Both videos show things that suggest serious problems from Uber, absent further explanation.

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