27 mai 2014

Hackers use ‘Find my iPhone’ to ransom Mac and iOS device owners in Australia

Filed under ‘duh’. Anyone’s normal first reaction would be to tell you to make sure your password is secure, but then you remember how poorly Apple handled password recovery quite recently and wonder — how likely is it that they became much better since then?

So I followed the article’s recommendation and just enabled two-factor authentication, with the hope that its implementation isn’t too stupid. The process places extra emphasis on the fact that you can’t expect Apple to help you at all if you lose both your password and the recovery key, and that’s the way it should be.

Of course, that means no recourse if brain damage makes me forget the passwords to both my Apple ID and my 1Password archive, but it’s potentially better than the alternative. I don’t think amnesia is as common in real life as in TV shows anyway. Right?

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