14 mai 2009

“Mulligan! Twitter backtracks on unpopular change”

For now, Twitter’s team is bringing the feature back in a limited form (you’ll see all @-replies, except for ones created using the “reply” button in Twitter’s interface, which is a tad convoluted)

I am at a loss to imagine how they’ve architectured their data so that this would be the only possible way to get out of the crisis — because “convoluted” doesn’t begin to cover it: that distinction doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.

“We’ve started designing a new feature which will give folks far more control over what they see from the accounts they follow. This will be a per-user setting.”

Per-user? I don’t see how that’s better for the servers, but more importantly it’s worse for the user (that follows more than ten people). Unless… it’s per-group, rather than per-user.

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