23 fév. 2010

“Phil Schiller responds to sex app purge”

“It came to the point where we were getting customer complaints from women who found the content getting too degrading and objectionable, as well as parents who were upset with what their kids were able to see,” Mr. Schiller said.

Yeah. Grindr-likes (such as my own app) are clearly next on the chopping block. (Not for the exploitation of women, obviously, but that other thing.) I was going to try and implement push notifications, but what’s the point if the app is bound to disappear from the App Store, in the next purge if not this one?

When asked why the [Sports Illustrated] and Playboy apps are still available, Mr. Schiller replied, “The difference is this is a well-known company with previously published material available broadly in a well-accepted format.”

Like Gruber said, while the rest of the decision is just debatable, this part is absolute, unacceptable bullshit. Probably actionable, even.

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