16 mar. 2010

“How Should Background Apps Function?”

Being able to do background processing is one thing the webOS is know for. So when 1.4 changed how background processes worked, developers took notice.  Absent from the list of 1.4 changes was an alteration that widely affected applications that work in the background. […]

Developers were the first to notice this changed with webOS 1.4. Now, after 15 seconds, applications without an active stage are automatically closed. Naturally this caused a bit of frustration; getting an active GPS location alone can take 30+ seconds, so how could a background applications get everything done in 15 seconds?

Oh, that’s nice.

At least iPhone apps that were released for the very first iteration of the OS still work (as long as they didn’t use restricted API calls). That’s because, you know, Apple planned ahead — and they focused on producing a device that works rather than a device that checks all the boxes on the marketers’ checklist.

And the worst part is that Palm isn’t even governed by a pointy-haired boss.

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