11 juin 2010

“Twitter Support : What’s happening with the World Cup?”

To help Twitter users show support for their country (or adopted country) - we’ve created hashflags, which will operate just like regular hashtags but will also display the flag of the country you’re tweeting about. Hashflags will only display if you include the pound sign “#” followed by the country’s three letter FIFA code.

Did you want to tweet about what’s happening in a country, unrelated to the World Cup? Well, screw you then; everybody’s supposed to talk about the World Cup so you’ll do as you’re told.

Twitter is extremely close to jumping the shark now. (Same thing with re-shortening already short URLs to keep control over them — and ultimately sell accurate analytics at a premium — yet not actually exempting your URLs from the 140-character limit, even though it’s utterly useless to send links to SMS users.)

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