4 juil. 2010

“The entire Steve Jobs email story… It’s real”

This is interesting. When the thread was initially published, and then when Apple denied its authenticity, I figured that nobody could ever know for sure one way or another — can’t prove that Steve sent the emails, can’t prove that he didn’t.

But I hadn’t thought about that:

I have been given access to Jason’s Google Apps email client and verified those headers to be legitimate, undoctored, and kosher.

I don’t know if Google modifies the headers of messages you import via IMAP, but I suspect that it ought to; if that’s the case, it becomes nearly impossible for someone to fake the exchange. (I’m not suspecting BGR of lying about their verification; they do have a track record, and it would have been so much easier for them to admit that they were duped.)

It wouldn’t be the first time Apple PR would lie, and it wouldn’t be that surprising they would scramble to control a Steve thread that went too far.

But it’s damn bad form, and it’s reckless.

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