12 août 2010

“Twitter Blog: Pushing Our (Tweet) Button”

You can very easily transform their branded button into a “Post to Twitter” bookmarklet for you to use anywhere, and it’s silly that they didn’t think to publicize that fact (but then, geeks haven’t been their main target for a while). I’d been looking for an official bookmarklet for a while now, one that wouldn’t need to go through third-party servers, especially since I’ve gotten my iPad: having to copy and paste URLs is a pain when hitting a bookmarklet should work just as well.

So here’s the bookmarklet (which you could conceivably extend to populate the tweet with selected text when appropriate, but I don’t care, and I don’t mind using copy-and-paste for that):

If you don’t see anything above, that’ll be because I put it in a textarea so it could easily be copied and pasted on the iPad. You can also drag this link to your bookmarks bar if you’re on a platform that provides such elaborate functionality. (You’d think maybe someday iOS would let users create bookmarklets without jumping through so many hoops?)

Vous voulez savoir quand je poste du contenu sur mon blog ? Il suffit de vous inscrire gratuitement à un agrégateur RSS (Feedly, NewsBlur, Inoreader, …) et d'ajouter à vos flux (ou pour vous abonner à tous les sujets). On n'a pas besoin de newsletters, pas besoin de Twitter, le RSS existe toujours.

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