2 fév. 2011

“The Daily debuts new iTunes Subscription agreement”

Further in, there’s also confirmation that Apple “may ask for your permission to provide the name, email address and ZIP code listed in your Account to the Licensor.”

What?! I can’t believe that Apple caved in on that. Did they really need newspapers on the iPad that much? It’s not like the lack of them has been seriously hampering device sales.


As a sidenote, I’m taking advantage of this opportunity (since The Daily seems to be only available on the U.S., I won’t have anything else to say about the app) to remind you: if you’re interested in this app, please remember who would be getting your money if you paid for the subscription. And I don’t mean Apple’s cut.

I do think there comes a point where you should seriously think twice about contributing anything to the bottomline of Murdoch’s empire. (I’m talking about Fox News here.)

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