14 déc. 2012


If using folders or the “snooze” function isn’t for you, the ability to simply move messages up or down in the mailbox timeline allows for creating to-do lists of sorts. And all movements made in Mailbox also effect your accounts in their native formats so you won’t be confused when switching between web clients and Mailbox.

How on earth does that work? How do they manage to reorder messages in your Gmail inbox without changing the timestamps? Or do they actually change the timestamps, making your e-mail archive completely unreliable? I’m guessing the way they implement “snooze” is they move the message to their own servers, then move it back on a timer. (They have to have servers of their own with access to your inbox, since they’re offering push notifications.) Would you trust them with that?

This app looks extremely interesting, but e-mail is too vital for me to risk a third-party app screwing it up, or for that matter to let a completely unknown entity access and mess with my accounts — I’d much rather Google implemented those functionalities on their side.

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