27 jun. 2007


Two things regarding the FishPhone (I don’t want to call it “JesusPhone” and FishPhone is more fun):


First, would everyone please stop falling into the 80GB iPhone trap? If you look at the video, you’ll see that, when it zooms in, nothing is pixelated: radio buttons and such remain perfectly smooth. It could be that they’re using Leopard’s resolution independence and Ctrl-Scrollwheeling to zoom, but the way they always frame perfectly the exact area they want to show indicates that it’s been enlarged in post-production.

So it couldn’t have been done from a screencast (or interface elements would be pixelated by post zooming).

Meaning: it’s all CG.

Meaning: it’s all intentional.

They inserted the 74.40GB specifically in order to give us something to blog about.


Second, Leo Laporte is going to have to eat his repeated words that the iPhone Guided Tour was cheating by hiding delays between screens and application swtiches — just as I expected he would. The phone is just as zippy and fluid in David Pogue’s video (which doesn’t have a permalink). They couldn’t seriously have been lying about that, especially considering that’s the most important aspect of the iPhone.

Oh, and apparently they haven’t been lying about battery life either, which… boggles the mind.


And I forgot: Third, I expected the AT&T plans to be more advantageous. If they’re not subsidizing the phone, they could at least make it the cheapest smartphone to use.

But then, there’s actually no telling whether they’re already subsidizing the phone or not.

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