27 jun. 2007


The iPhone video of the day demonstrates the soft keyboard further and I have a hard time imagining Apple not reworking it entirely within six months.

I particularly hate when there’s more cognitive work involved in rejecting an auto-correction than in accepting it (in order to reject the iPhone’s suggestion for a word it deems mistyped, you must press the word itself; pressing the spacebar or typing any punctuation accepts it). And that part is unlikely to get fixed, as Safari’s form auto-complete does the same (and it has bitten me more than once, particularly when defining table fields in phpMyAdmin, where the input fields are too short to notice that Safari auto-completed values to a longer name I had used in another instance.)

But the most puzzling aspect is: Why not let users switch to landscape mode in order to have a more extensive keyboard? By the way, we don’t know what happens when you type a Safari URL while in landscape mode.


I’m more and more curious about the process that led to recruiting — or choosing from the internal staff — their Mr. iPhone. This device is Steve Jobs’s baby, and deciding who would be presenting it in his stead must have been a difficult thing.

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