28 may 2010

Daring Fireball on an Apple TV Without Local Storage

Decreasing the amount of storage inside the Apple TV is interesting, but sort of obvious once you think about it running iPhone OS. No iPhone OS device has ever supported hard disk drives, and I doubt they ever will.

That’s silly. Just because no iPhone OS device has ever had a hard drive doesn’t mean an iPhone OS-based Apple TV couldn’t. Seems to me that adding hard drive support back to the OS (if it’s ever been taken out) is significantly less work than rewriting the entire system for a TV and 6-button remote.

As for the whole idea of an Apple TV using the iPhone OS, the bottomline is: I don’t care what it runs, and neither do you — whichever guts Apple uses for the device, the interface will always be entirely specific to its form factor. (Using the iPhone OS base helps setting up an App Store, but it wouldn’t be too hard to port the store mechanics to MacOS instead.)

It does matter, though, if the switch helps Apple get to the $100 price point. (Which is also the reason — not a technical one — for the new Apple TV not to have a hard drive.)

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