29 apr. 2021

I’ve just finished assembling the Tatev Monastery in the game, and that’s one hell of a way to discover a beautiful location

Tatev Monastery, Armenia - 3D model by

Description The Tatev Monastery (Armenian: Տաթևի վանք ) is a 9th-century Armenian Apostolic monastery located on a large basalt plateau near the Tatev village in Syunik Province in southeastern Armenia. In the 14th and 15th centuries, the monastery hosted one of the most important Armenian medieval universities, the University of Tatev, which contributed to the advancement of science, religion and philosophy, reproduction of books and development of miniature painting. The monastery suffered significant damage during Seljuk invasions in the 12th century and the earthquake in 1136. In 1170, Seljuk Turks plundered the Monastery and burnt some 10,000 manuscripts. The Monastery was rebuilt through the efforts of Bishop Stepanos near the end of the 13th century. Credits Captured by David Finsterwalder and Azad Balabanian in July 2017 Photogrammetry Processing by Valerio Rizzo - Tatev Monastery, Armenia - 3D model by

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