5 juin 2008

“Mac OS X 10.6 code named Snow Leopard”

Here’s why I don’t believe it:

  • Snow Leopard is a stupid name, no matter how much sense it might make for the upgrade to be derivative of Leopard (as in, not much, actually)

  • I don’t see, at this point in the life of OS X (and the life of Windows Vista, as well), Apple releasing a full upgrade that doesn’t present “sellable” new features

  • Leopard doesn’t need all that much optimizing; OS X performance has already steadily improved release after release

  • If it’s just an optimization pass over Leopard, and it’s marketed as a subset/variation of Leopard, it would be insane, and insulting, to choose that release as being Intel-only


Yet here’s why I’m not so certain:

  • It’s very much like Apple to leak this a week early so that we can prepare ourselves and not be too surprised when it’s announced


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, il y a 6 ans :

Agreeing only with the stupidity of the name.

Please respect this beautiful and noble endangered species.

And btw, after having migrated to Leopard since its release, I really regret Tiger.
I loved this beast and find it less buggy than Leopard.

But still, this is just my impression of the beast.


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