11 juin 2008

iPhone SDK agreement specifically forbids real-time route guidance

And I thought the iPhone 2.0’s Maps application was bad:

Applications may not be designed or marketed for real time route guidance

This is the paragraph of the SDK license agreement that takes care of everything Apple doesn’t want to be held liable for — if an iPhone crashes while displaying CPR instructions or running a Boeing’s auto-pilot system, for instance — and I understand the motivations but, geez, talk about shooting yourself in the foot. No GPS navigation, ever? I’m not going to spend the whole summer repeating how Google’s street view and navigation system is Android’s killer app, but come on now. We’re gonna reach a point when the only thing the iPhone has for itself is iTunes integration.


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louije, il y a 6 ans :

Just let competition do its job, and you'll get your wishes on your iPhone in no time.

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