10 fév. 2010

“‘Heavy Rain’ Review - Innovation Can Only Get You So Far”

Once you get beyond the wooden, unrealistic dialog, you’re left with a number of plot holes and unearned twists throughout the game’s conclusion. A good twist is one where the audience feels like they could’ve guessed if they had been paying more attention. The twist in “Heavy Rain” will come as more of a shock, simply because it makes no sense whatsoever. I can’t see anyone playing through the ending of this game and being satisfied with the result.

Well, there you go. I know that it looks like a biased pick and there are some positive reviews out there, but this one just confirms everything I’ve thought about the game from the very first videos I saw, hence it must be right.

(I’m amazed that Sony let Quantic Dreams skimp on the American voice actors, though.)

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