2 déc. 2010

“Flipboard’s Big Update: This is an iPad Mag Done Right”

When readers tap content from [partnering] publishers shared by friends on Twitter or Facebook within the Flipboard app, they’re now taken to this new [custom-designed] magazine-like reading experience instead of a traditional Web page. And for publishers, the result of the tap is the same as a Web hit on their end.

That’s a really good idea (Flipboard’s other* big drawback is that you have to open each text-based article in a web view because the app itself will only display a pretty short excerpt) on one condition: that it’s easy for websites to partner with Flipboard so that anyone can supply its own stylesheets. If it stays reserved for select high-profile partners, it doesn’t really help the end user.


(* the other drawback being the lack of anything that could be called an “interestingness” algorithm, as I’ve already complained about several times.)


P.S. Okay, it’s now online and… just ridiculous. No simplification of the workflow, no improvements to the interface, just a full-screen browser that appears in replacement of the usual full-screen browser. Urgh.

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