16 avr. 2011

“Cutting That Cord”

iBooks does this. If you pause while reading a book on your iPad, then resume reading on your iPhone, it picks up on the same page in the book. Kindle and a bunch of other e-reading services do this too. The point isn’t that iBooks is unique or ahead of the curve in this regard. It’s that you don’t need MobileMe for iBooks. It’s all handled by the iTunes Store itself. You buy books on your device, you read them on your device, and your history, bookmarks and other metadata all get synced to your iTunes account in the cloud.

I had no idea that was the case. It’d be really interesting if Apple were to open such a system to third-party developers. (Although I can see big problems with that if they keep ignoring the needs for multiple profiles on an iOS device. Were you annoyed that your iPad couldn’t keep your Angry Birds scores separate from your kids’? Well, now you can enjoy seeing them overwritten from one device to another!)

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