14 juin 2011

“Google Chrome - ⌘ + Q: I didn’t mean to do that”

The next time you press ⌘ + Q, a floating window will appear, instructing you to Hold ⌘Q to Quit.

When I started reading the article about how annoying it is to accidentally close the entire browser instead of a tab (which happened to me just today), I just expected they had introduced an Okay/Cancel dialog; instead, they went the Quicksilver route of holding Command-Q (wonder if that’s coming straight from Nicholas Jitkoff) and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

On the one hand, that’s just about as non-standard as can be (which is okay for Quicksilver, not so much for something as elementary as your main web browser). On the other, it is brilliant UX once you get used to it — just as efficient as the confirmation prompt, but so much less intrusive.

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