13 avr. 2024

It drives me up the wall when people make this mistake — how hard can it be to just keep the pronoun and see how it agrees with the sentence — and it never occurred to me that it was an over-correction from the way they were taught at school not to *start* a sentence with “Laura and me.”

(I know, caring about grammar and spelling is classist and ableist, but I can’t help it, I’ve been programmed that way.)

Andrew Pontious (

Lol I recently blew the minds of some Discorders. The lesson: you *shouldn’t* always say e.g. “Laura and I”, despite grammar lessons pounding home that "Laura and me" is wrong, because it depends on the placement in the sentence: > Laura and I went to the park. Correct, it’s the subject. > He thanked Laura and I. Wrong, it’s the object. The trick is to remove all but the pronoun. > I went to the park. > He thanked I. It’s clear that I is wrong there, and should be: > He thanked me.

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